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Introducing NMDP, formerly known as the National Marrow Donor Program and Be The Match.  
Our name has changed but our mission has not: We save lives through cell therapy. 
Learn more

Opportunity Details

NMDP Unite Los Angeles

We need friendly, energetic volunteers ready to donate their time on the event day! Volunteer shifts are typically 3-4 hours in length. Volunteers help with responsibilities like:

  • Set-up
  • Registration
  • Activation Stations
  • Merchandise
  • Tear Down
You’ll receive the training you need to feel comfortable in your volunteer role, a complimentary NMDP t-shirt, light snack and beverage and the appreciation of everyone who works to help our NMDP community.  
Volunteer Job Descriptions
1. Set Up Volunteer 
  • Responsibilities: Assist in setting up tables, chairs, signage, decorations, and equipment as per the event layout plan.
  • Skills Needed: Ability to follow instructions, physical ability to lift and move items, team player.
  • Time Commitment: Two to three hours.
  • Benefits: Hands-on experience in event preparation, opportunity to see behind-the-scenes operations, physical activity, complimentary NMDP t-shirt and a light snack and beverage.

2. Registration Volunteer 
  • Responsibilities: Greet attendees, check them in, provide event materials, and answer initial questions.
  • Skills Needed: Friendly demeanor, good organizational skills, basic computer proficiency.
  • Time Commitment: Arrival 30-minutes before event start time and stay through the event hours.
  • Benefits: Meet new people, be the first point of contact for attendees, complimentary NMDP t-shirt and a light snack and beverage.
3. Activation Booth Volunteer 
  • Responsibilities: Manage an activation booth, engage with attendees, explain and promote the activity or brand, distribute materials.
  • Skills Needed: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, enthusiasm, ability to engage with a diverse audience.
  • Time Commitment: 3-4 hours. Throughout the duration of the event.
  • Benefits: Develop public speaking and promotional skills, interact with a variety of people, be an integral part of the event experience, complimentary NMDP t-shirt and a light snack and beverage.
4.  NMDP Merchandise Volunteer 
  • Responsibilities: Manage a merchandise sales booth, assist customers with purchasing event merchandise, handle electronic transactions, keep inventory organized and restocked, provide information about the merchandise and the event.
  • Skills Needed: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, basic math skills for handling transactions, attention to detail, enthusiasm, ability to engage with a diverse audience.
  • Time Commitment: 3-4 hours. Throughout the duration of the event.
  • Benefits: Gain retail and sales experience, develop customer service skills, interact with a variety of people, be an integral part of the event experience, complimentary NMDP Unite t-shirt, and a light snack and beverage.
5Tear Down Volunteer 
  • Responsibilities: Help dismantle and pack-up equipment, take down decorations, ensure the venue is clean and returned to its original state.
  • Skills Needed: Ability to follow instructions, physical ability to lift and move items, attention to detail.
  • Time Commitment: Stay until all teardown activities are completed.
  • Benefits: Gain experience in event logistics, opportunity for physical activity, satisfaction of completing the event successfully, complimentary NMDP t-shirt and a light snack and beverage.
Health & Wellness

Age Minimum (with Adult): 13+, Minimum Age:13+

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Log in or Register

In order to register for this opportunity you must log in to an existing account or register to create a new account.


Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

Common Messages

Common Messages